Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

explanation of software

Name    :Muhlis
Nim        :20401108061
Group   : Pbi3

At the present time English become need  to the all people to communicate with another people from  other country because as we know that English it self is international language, so that it has been studied at elementary until university level .even though there many students specially in Indonesia love English but they often find many difficulty in learning English . one things that probably can help student in learning English is dictionary, but through this paper I will introduce a soft ware namely Cambridge advances learner dictionary, its not like usual dictionary that only provide a lot of vocabularies , Cambridge advances learner dictionary will give you more , not only about vocabularies but also teach you how to pronouns the word, and provide you some exercise about grammar and structure. I think that Cambridge advances learner dictionary is one of the solution of your English problem . I also inform you that Cambridge advances learner dictionary have many kinds and you may choose one of them  according to your need. To know completely  about this software please visit :

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